Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Charlie's Extensive Vocabulary

Charlie has added three new words to his vocabulary in just 2 short days. Thus, bringing the total number of words he knows to... eight. If you ask me, he learned the most important word just yesterday: mama. If you ask his father, he will likely say that Charlie learned the most important word last week: dada. I suppose if we were to ask Charlie, he would say he learned the most important word several months ago: cracker.

I digress. Yesterday, he caught on to moo and baa. Well, when you ask him what a cow says, he will reply "mmmmm." But, I think that is close enough. As a recap, he also knows duck and quack. You can imagine the conversations we have!

1 comment:

asianpixie said...

The amount of words he will pick up daily soon will floor you. My nephew knows words like "dejected" from when he was 3.