Saturday, February 21, 2009


Several weeks ago I made an appoinment with an allergist because of itchy hives. I'd been taking an antihistamine everyday for about six months. Eventually I figured that it was silly to have to take a pill everyday and I ought to look into this.

After my follow-up appointment this week, it seems that I have the best case scenario of all the possible diagnoses: Dermatographia. The treatment? Take an antihistamine everyday. Hmmm, sounds strangly familiar. While it's nice to know I don't have Lupis or a thyroid problem, the thought of taking an antihistamine everyday indefinitely is annoying. On the plus side, at least now I know I'm not allergic to anyparticular foods and that I won't suffer anaphylactic shock (again).


1 comment:

asianpixie said...

Funny you mentioned this because I just had my first outbreak of hives last week over 70% of my body. I went to the ER twice, got pumped full of tons of drugs, and still do not know what caused it. But preliminary testing is revealing that it may be my thyroid.